Saturday, 27 October 2007

after SAM

What I THINK I want to do after SAM.

♥ I don’t want to enrol in Uni super early; first intake.

♦ because I want to claim back my after-spm holidays.

( actually, when I was in primary school, I decided to take ONE YEAR holiday after my SPM. Mana tau… tak sampai ONE MONTH, I already got myself into this mess. You see.. I never get what I wants.)

♥ I don’t want to stay here anymore!

♦ I never wanted to be here in the first place. (told you I don’t have the right to make any choice.)

♦ plus, I’ve experience disted. And I hate it here for some reason. Don’t wanna see her face again next year. IM DONE HERE!!

♥ I want to do Psychology.

♦ for heaven’s sake, I sit in front my comp everyday doesn’t make me an expert in IT. IT is alien language and no normal human will be able to understand it.

♦ based on the subjects I take this year, I don’t think there’s much choice for me. No math no talk!

♦ since I was in early secondary or primary, I thought of doing psychology before. But never mentioned it because.. everyone will say.. “ lu gila kah?? No other things to study meh?”

An unrealistic one

I wish for money drop from sky.

I wish I could take about one year break from studying.

I wish I could use the time to travel to anywhere I want.


travelling with family sucks.

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