Saturday 3 September 2011


Just trying out the new interface. Abit confusing for me right now. So plain... Need some getting used to...

Click (1) there to "Try the updated blogger interface".

Then it will turn to the page as below. Really, it's very different, and a bit confusing for me. Oh well, can always click (2) to "Switch back to the old interface". But when you click they will ask you for comments, as they are still trying to improve.

If you're too free then you can spend a few minutes with the comments and feedback, or can just click "Skip".

I realise that with the new interface, they do not bring you directly to a "Published" page where you can click view blog after publishing a post. It stays on the same page where you are composing the blogpost, which I think is oh-so-not convenient for me.

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