Monday, 23 April 2007

more pictures

this is a foundry, or kilang besi, another major contributor of loud noises throughout the day. but its a bit better than those air-liur-burung producer. at least they dont work 24/7. sometimes, they contribute air pollution.
imagine eating ur lunch and u have to bear with the stench from lori sampah. MPM send lori sampah for them to baiki. but too bad, they find a brilliant place to park it. right outside my house de dining room, with the butt of the lori sampah facing my dining room. not onli i can smell the nice aroma of the food that is on the table, i also can smell a nice wonderful aroma from outside. its too near. thats the problem.


smoke. hoi! bakar sampah kah?

oh no!!! thick smoke? is the place burning down? oh please do...

but it turned out that...

the smoke is to kill the nyamuk, my greatest enemy.

a step to prevent denggi.
cei. make me happy for a while.


hishiko said...

i thought tat kilang got fire...

żħї~qїňg said...

got fire ma good lor.
at least they stop work for a few weeks or they pindah go other place.
peace and harmony!!